
To learn more about how to run GOMC, and the various, Monte Carlo moves, force fields, and other simulation capabilities in GOMC, please refer to our documentation.

GOMC Manual

GOMC Tutorial

To learn about how to generate required input files for GOMC in various ensembles, using Molecular Simulation Design Framework (MoSDeF), please refer to our video tutorials.

Tutorial Files

Video Tutorials

GOMC Example Files

To help new users to start using GOMC, a few example systems are provided. These include simulations in the NVT, NPT, GCMC, and Gibbs Ensembles. The examples can be downloaded or cloned from the GitHub repository.

GOMC Examples

GOMC High Throughput Screening (HTS)

To support the use of GOMC for high throughput screening of metal organic frameworks (MOFs) for gas adsorption and separation our team has developed a tool to automatically generate the simulation input files for more than 7000 MOFs, from structures found in the CoRE-MOFs database. To download the HTS tool, please refer to HTS repository on GitHub.

Automatic simulation file generator for Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs).